
RC4 Housing Database offers a convenient and intuitive interface for RC4 housing management staff to streamline their daily operations.

Code contribution:

Enhancements to new and existing features
New Feature: filter command
  • Created a new filter feature to filter residents according to the fields by adding and modifying classes such as AttributesMatchAllKeywordsPredicate, AttributesMatchAnyKeywordsPredicate, FilterCommand, FilterCommandParser and Rc4hdbParser classes.
  • This required a deep level of understanding of each field and how the command can filter the list correctly. New predicate classes were created in order to build this feature.
  • The implementation was also made to accept strings that contain the value which took a considerable amount of redesigning how tags are filtered.
    Major Enhancement: Adding specifiers to the filter command
  • Enhanced the filter feature to filter according to different specifiers for multiple types of filters by adding ResidentStringDescriptor and Specifier classes and also modifying the above classes.
  • A new structure of classes was made to store the descriptions within the command, including the specifiers, which took multiple levels of redesign throughout the project.
    New Feature: remove command
  • Added a remove command to delete multiple residents according to filters indicated by users by adding classes including RemoveCommand and RemoveCommandParser.
  • The new remove command was carefully implemented using the filter implementations to unify the functionalities of our features.
  • Testing for filter and remove feature classes mentioned above.
  • Testing for venue commands

You may view these contributions in more detail at this link.

Contributions to the UG:

  • Added the filter and remove command sections for the user guide.
  • Fixed UG bugs in file commands section and field details.

    Contributions to the DG:

  • Added use cases for venue add delete view book unbook.
  • Added manual testing for modifying residents: add, delete, remove, edit
  • Modified storage and logic components
  • Added filter implementation in the implementation section

In particular, I added/updated the following UML diagrams: FilterCommandSequenceDiagram, StorageClassDiagram, LogicClassDiagram, CommandDiagram, DeleteSequenceDiagram

Community and Project Management:

  • Reviewed 22 pull requests including major changes such as #57, #124 and #55.
  • Surfaced 8 potential bugs & suggestions for other teams during PE-D.
  • Supported and handled test workload for the team according to the progress and expectations of the project.

Contributions to the Developer Guide: